Other Value-Added Services
香港上環皇后大道中 287-299號 299QRC 11樓1104室
電話:+852 3955 0277
ComplianceOne will provide one-stop services for company registration to let our clients focus on business development. In this regard, our services include:
- Companies Registry Search Services
- Application and Collection of Certificate of Incorporation, Business Registration Certificate
- Declaration of First Secretary, Director, Shareholders and Registered Address
- Documents for Bank Account opening
- Company Kit Set (Memorandum and Articles of Association, Minute Book, Share Certificates, Company File Box and Company Seal etc.)
- Professional Company Secretarial Services
- Company Registration/ Registered Address Services
1) Collect corporate clients’ information and conduct background check including:
A. Company documents (Hong Kong/ Overseas companies)
B. Information about shareholder(s)
C. Information about director(s)
D. Business information and supplementary documents (business nature/ business locations/ business mode / goods and services)
2) Act as a representative to communicate with the bank
3) Follow-up with all required documents in the bank account opening process
4) No win, no fee
5) Time required: 2-3 months
Types of Fund:
A. Private Equity and Venture Capital Fund
B. Hedge Fund
C. Others
Types of Legal Entities:
A. Exempted Company / Segregated Portfolio Company (SPC)
B. Exempted Limited Partnership (ELP)
C. Exempted Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Steps for setting up the Fund:
A. Engage a Legal Counsel
B. Draft an offering document
C. The Legal Counsel prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association
D. Incorporate the exempt limited liability company
ComplianceOne understands clients’ needs and will provide professional advice to help clients set-up offshore fund.
We partner with Cayman law firms to offer offshore fund setup service. We can also introduce other service providers including:
A. Fund Administrator
B. Auditor
C. Onshore and Offshore Legal Counsel
Types of Fund Structure:
A. Standalone
B. Master-Feeder