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Securities and Futures Intermediaries Licensing Examination self-assessment
Exam Result Validity Period:
- 本地監管架構考試(卷1至卷6)及認可行業資格考試(卷7至卷12)的考試成績有效期為三年。如申請人於三年考試成績有效期內未有向證監會申請牌照,該考試成績自動作廢。
The validity period of the examination results for the Local Regulatory Framework Examination (Papers 1 to 6) and Recognized Industry Qualification Examination (Papers 7 to 12) is three years. If the applicant does not apply for a license from the Securities and Futures Commission within the three-year validity period of the examination results, the examination results will become invalid.
- 如果申請人現時或過去三年內曾擔任持牌代表或負責人員,證監會或會認可其在三年之前通過的有關本地監管架構考試及取得的認可行業資格。簡短而言,考試成績會於申請人停任持牌代表或負責人員後的三年後亦有效。
If the applicant has served as a licensed representative or responsible officer in the current or past three years, the Securities and Futures Commission may recognize their relevant Local Regulatory Framework Examination passed and Recognized Industry Qualification obtained even if it was more than three years ago. Concisely, the examination results will remain valid for three years after the applicant ceases to be a licensed representative or responsible officer.本地監管架構及法規考試:
About Local Regulatory Framework Examination:
Papers 1 to 6 are the Local Regulatory Framework Examination for Hong Kong, which mainly covers the relevant laws and regulations of the Hong Kong securities market. The purpose is to ensure that the individual has an acceptable understanding of the relevant local laws and regulations with which he or she must comply when conducting regulated activities.先批牌後考試之安排:
Arrangement for Licensing Before Examination:
The SFC may at its sole discretion consider granting approval to the licence application of an individual on the condition that he or she must pass the Local Regulatory Framework Examination (“LRP”) within six months of obtaining the approval. The above grace period is usually granted once with respect to each LRP. If the individual has previously been granted a grace period but did not pass the LRP concerned, he or she is expected to obtain a pass in that LRP before submitting the application again.
Difficulty in Applying for Exemption:
Papers 1 to 6 are generally difficult to apply for an exemption. Even if an exemption is granted, the Securities and Futures Commission may impose conditions on the applicant's license to restrict the scope of activities they can engage in. If one would like to join the Hong Kong financial industry, it is recommended to prioritize taking Papers 1 to 6.
About Recognised industry qualifications (RIQ) examination:
Recognised industry qualifications (RIQ) examination will be relevant to the regulated activities to be performed by the individual, demonstrating that the individual is knowledgeable about the financial products which he or she deals in or advises on.
Recognized industry qualifications must be obtained before applying for a licence:
Unlike the Local Regulatory Framework Examination (Papers 1 to 6), in general all license applicants must first pass the Recognized Industry Qualification Examination or complete additional continuous training before the Securities and Futures Commission will consider their license application.
Easier to apply for exemptions:
i) 指定範疇(即會計、工商管理、經濟、金融財務及法律)的學位;ii) 其他學位(須在屬於指定範疇的至少兩個課程取得合格成績);或
iii) 其他專業資格,即國際認可的法律、會計或金融財務專業資格,例如:國際認可的金融財務專業資格包括特許金融分析師(CFA)、國際註冊投資分析師(CIIA)及認可財務策劃師(CFP)。
-Applicants are exempted from passing the Recognized Industry Qualification Examination if they hold:
i) A degree in the designated fields (accounting, business administration, economics, finance and law);
ii) Other degrees (with passes in at least two courses in the designated fields); Or
iii) Other Internationally-recognised professional qualifications in law, accounting or finance. Internationally-recognised professional qualifications in finance include Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP).
- 有學位或相關行業經驗的申請人亦可透過完成額外時數的持續培訓以申請豁免考卷7至卷12。
- Applicants with a degree or relevant industry experience may also apply for exemption from taking Papers 7 to 12 by completing additional CPT hours.-根據《內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排》,如申請人已獲得中國證券業協會、中國期貨業協會或中國證券投資基金業協會的執業資格,可被視作符合香港牌照的行業資格要求,無需應考認可行業資格考試,詳情可參考以下認可行業資格考試對照表。
-According to《Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement》, if the applicant has already obtained the professional qualifications from the Securities Association of China, China Futures Association or the Asset Management Association of China, they can be considered as meeting the industry qualification requirements for the Hong Kong license, and do not need to sit for the recognized industry qualification examinations. Please refer to the following table for the recognized industry qualification examination equivalents.
A. 關於天匯合規 證券及期貨從業員資格考試自我評估:
About ComplianceOne’s Securities and Futures Intermediaries Licensing Examination self-assessment:
證券及期貨從業員資格考試自我評估(又稱” LR/RO 資格考試自我評估”) 為天匯合規所推出的網上自我評估工具,以讓有意投身香港證券及投資業進行受規管活動的人士,透過操作簡單的網上自我評估,迅速了解他或她是否具備成為持牌代表/負責人員之資歷及該通過那幾份考試。
The Securities and Futures Licensing Examination Self-Assessment (aka “LR/RO Exam requirement self-assessment”) is an online self-assessment tool launched by ComplianceOne Consulting Limited, which enables those who would like to enter the Hong Kong securities and investment industry to quickly assess if they have the necessary qualifications to become a licensed representative or responsible officer, and which specific examinations they need to pass.
B. 使用方法
How to use?
自我評估分有中英文版本,「持牌代表申請」「Licensed Representatives Application」及「負責人員申請」「Responsible Officer Application」,請參加者如實作答以便獲取準確結果。
Our self-assessment is available in both Chinese and English versions, including the "Licensed Representatives Application" and "Responsible Officer Application", Please answer truthfully to obtain accurate results.
Prior to completing the assessment, we recommend reviewing the following important details. The assessment results will indicate one of two outcomes: " You meet the Option A/B/C requirement of the SFC’s <Guidelines on Competence>. Please check the table below for the required exam paper(s) to take." and " Unfortunately, you cannot meet the competence requirements and the license application cannot proceed ". Participants can then take the appropriate actions based on their individual assessment results.
F. 免責聲明
The result of the self-assessment is for reference only. ComplianceOne Consulting Limited endeavour to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, but do not guarantee its accuracy and reliability and accept no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracy or omission or from any decision, action or non-action based on or in reliance upon information contained in this website.